We used to be a country [OC]

CrimeDad@lemmy.crimedad.work to pics@lemmy.world – -20 points –

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What are we now op?

We're a bizarre Rhodesia of living rooms on wheels.

Fuck that unrecognised state.

Now you're getting it.

Yeah, you're pushing shitty politics in a photography sub. Fuck off.

Alright, I give up. What's your problem?

You expressed feelings of nostalgia, but phrased them in way that may by implication indicate fault in current regime. It's called blame, and you know what they say.. You can't spell "blame" without "lame".

The only implications one can reasonably find in my post are that the trucks are too big these days and that cars looked cooler from about 1982 to 1987 than they do now. "We used to be a country" is an embarrassingly melodramatic phrase on its face, which is why we have fun with it as a meme now. Of course, some people also have fun contriving implications in whatever they look at and I suppose that's just their business.