I just want to view the recipe

GloriousGherkins@lemmy.world to Mildly Infuriating@lemmy.world – 808 points –

For context, I’m on an iPhone using Firefox. I can’t use uBlock Origin, but am ready to block on the DNS level after this.


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I legitimately thought this was satire

Are things really this bad without an ad blocker these days?

Yes. For a long time I was trying to "play nice" and not go adblock. I didn't mind ads that were unobtrusive and figured I'd roll with the ads for the sake of the sites. With things looking like this, and deliberately having ads load a little late and relayout the page to replace a link just as you were about to click in it, and ones that slipped even the pretense and pop up and ad instead of the actual link or button the first time. I would tend to just close such sites in disgust, and told my Google feed to not give me contemt from a couple of the worst owners that recurred.

The final straw was a site that made the play embedded video function be ads the first two times on clicking it, as well as looking like that. On top of just having to give up on sites more and more.

I read that majority of Internet users now use ad blockers. That didn't used to be the case, and the large chunk of sites like this I'm sure is why.

Yep. Internet is dying. Cloud of sexless hydrogen.