Biden Will Try Again to Wipe Out Student Loan Debt for Millions of Borrowers

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 703 points –
Biden Will Try Again to Wipe Out Student Loan Debt for Millions of Borrowers

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Let me get this straight, the US controls and funds all kinds of governments around the world but they wouldnt control the fed? "But its a private company!!!" Sure it is, its totally not completely controlled by the government...

It’s not and they have proven as much every single election cycle by not giving into political pressure.

Thats funny because both sides are EXACTLY THE SAME with regards to the fed, and its robbing from the poor and middle class. Literally only a couple people in the two main parties even say anything about how bad the fed is. If you dont know anything about a subject, it would be best to learn about it, but at least dont argue like you know about it.

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