Penpot 2.0, a major milestone in our journey, is now yours to explore and enjoy! to Open – 187 points –
Penpot 2.0, a major milestone in our journey, is now yours to explore and enjoy!

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Penpot is the first open-source design tool for design and code collaboration. Designers can create stunning designs, interactive prototypes, design systems at scale, while developers enjoy ready-to-use code and make their workflow easy and fast. And all of this with no handoff drama.

It doesn't explicitly say so but it's apparently for people who make web sites. Who would make anything else anyway (I suppose).

It's vector art. You can design all sorts of things. App layouts, website design, logo design, basically anything that is visual and will need to scale up and down without loss of detail.

That kind of information would potentially be useful on their site's front page.

Like most FOSS projects... they're awful at promoting what they actually do on their website front page, instead focusing on FOSS buzzwords. It's unfortunately a thing.