The end of Reddit? Why the blackout is still going – and what happens next to – 515 points –
The end of Reddit? Here’s why subreddits are still down – and what happens next

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I understand why some people would want to do this, but there's a lot of stuff there that I would hate to be gone forever.

There's an old game - I always forget which game it is until it happens again - that I play once every few years, but which always gives me problems when installing or starting for the first time. And every time I looked for a solution, I always ended up in the same Reddit thread; one with a solution that always worked. After I landed there a few times, I even left a comment thanking them for it.

I don't so much want Reddit gone forever, as I just want for there to be more competition and for users to be spread out. Or, maybe even better, for there to be a searchable archive of Reddit.

What about just saving that revisited post/comment to a personal stash, like in Google Drive or something? There is definitely more competition now, at any rate!

That's a good idea! I also saw someone else mention they save some pages locally when they find explanations for something niche, in case it disappears, and I think I might start doing the same!

I've been noticing this with YouTube videos, too, even those that have no overt reason to be removed, and it's been very disappointing. I'm now downloading my faves.

I thought the exact same, but when their internal mail leaked i was just "fuck this" and got rid of everything.

was that the bit about all of this blowing over or did i miss something?

You may have missed the bit about the Black Cat ransomware gang making off with 80GB of internal data?