A German county elected a far-right candidate for the first time since the Nazi era, raising concern

Newsman@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 486 points –
A German county elected a far-right candidate for the first time since the Nazi era, raising concern

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As concerning as this is, luckily it is „only“ a major of a small area of the former sovjet zone. The party or the mayor won’t gain influence in the federation.

The people over there are strangely attracted to the propaganda. I really hope this isn’t the new trend for whole Germany, I still have hope we are not that dumb (again).

Unfortunately it seems to be a trend for the whole western world. There has been a steady shift to the right in politics in Europe and America for a couple of decades now. And I think it'll get a whole hell of a lot worse before it gets better. There are no quick fixes. There are no easy solutions. The left needs to get its act together and present a viable alternative.

The problem is money, right wing politicians are a great return on investment to large corporations. Money always sides with fascism.

The people over there are strangely attracted to the propaganda

It's due to the schools in the DDR. Kids growing up there didn't learn a lot about Nazis and also didn't have access to lots of media to teach themselves. Besides they had other problems to deal with.

Then Germany got reunited and one half of the country was completely uneducated about Nazi Germany.

Not to forget most Teachers and professors were still Nazis due to the lack of denazification.

There are many reasons, but this is most probably one of them.

And the economic weakness of this region doesn’t help either. I just cross fingers that the next election won’t be a disaster for us.

I just cross fingers that the next election won’t be a disaster for us

If the current trend continues I see bad things on the horizon. If the AfD ever becomes part of a coalition then I'll move to the Netherlands. They can't get their shit together as well but at least I don't care about their politics :(.

I would still presume most parties would declare unable to build a government than build a coalition with AfD.

My fear is that they actually get that strong they could lead a minority government (Minderheitsregierung). But I still believe in it’s not being that dumb again.