Arizona State Senator Leads Prayer In Tongues On Floor Before Abortion Ruling. to – 533 points –
Arizona State Senator Leads Prayer In Tongues On Floor Before Abortion Ruling

Fuck's sake.


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Dude that guy's face just looks like pure evil. If I saw him in a movie, I'd immediately know he was the villain.

I don’t know if this really happens, but his face looks like it got that way from scowling and laughing at the same time for the last 50 years.

So like, resting villain face?

Totally. I see him in leather in some vague future dystopia hoarding some resource or having three lines before the hero kills his henchmen

Hormones influence genexpression, so yeah.

Are you saying there are hormones for "evil gender"?

More like scummy people often look scummy. Would you trust your little sister to him? Prejudice is sometimes unfair but oftentimes self-protection.