Nonbinary genders beyond 'male' and 'female' would have been no surprise to ancient rabbis, who acknowledged tumtums, androgynos and aylonot to World – 453 points –
Nonbinary genders beyond 'male' and 'female' would have been no surprise to ancient rabbis, who acknowledged tumtums, androgynos and aylonot

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When you talk about LGBTQ+ people like objects that need studying and understanding and "acceptance", instead of fellow human beings just like you, or pander to those who think that, as if it's a legitimate position that deserves fair consideration (it isn't, we are people, just like everyone else, and exist literally everywhere and have done for all of human history), you're feeding their ignorance and their bigotry and confirming their opinion to them as a legitimate one instead of explaining why it isn't and never was, no matte how much they "don't understand".

When you talk about LGBTQ+ people like objects that need studying and understanding and "acceptance", instead of fellow human beings just like you

Ever heard of the the term "anthropology"? "Sociology"? "Gender studies?" Various disciplines that study humanity broadly? The entire academic discipline called "Humanities"? I don't know why you're so uppity. You might as well accuse the entire scholarly field for "studying" human lives and aspects. What is life if one doesn't study it and all its components?

you're feeding their ignorance and their bigotry and confirming their opinion to them as a legitimate one

No! You completely misunderstand. What I'm saying is use the decades of research on human sexuality and gender against bigotry on lgbt! If someone say there is only two gender-- man and woman-- tell them gender and sex are not the same. Male and female are biological sex (there are actually more than one but explaining this requires an entirely different discussion), whereas gender is an abstract concept in which a person is placed social expectations based on the sex he/she is born with. Tell the bigots there are cultures that recognise more than one genders so their conflation of sex and gender is moot!

Whatever, I'm done here, you clearly don't comprehend how treating LGBTQ+ people as a separate type of human that one needs to study in order to "understand" before we can be treated as fellow humans instead of some curiosity (again - there are literally LGBTQ+ people EVERYWHERE, and there have been throughout ALL of human history. We are not "unusual" to the degree you are pretending we are), is being part of the problem, no matter your intentions.

You are affirming the bigotry.

If you actually want to fight it, I suggest challenging your own biases first, and then trying to listen to others who perhaps have more relevant experience than you do.

E: lmfao, this has nothing to do with "academia", and everything to do with you treating LGBTQ+ people as an oddity like/in order to "connect" with bigots, because you think confirming their bigotry will somehow get them to listen to you, while all it does is achieve the opposite.
But hey, whatever keeps you from taking any personal responsibility for your own actions and shit (or perhaps just insistently uninformed?) attitude, eh?
No regret on this block job.

And to the other person who thinks asking to be treated equally is "putting on a pedestal" - thanks for proving my point: that we aren't treated equally, and that when we ask to be we get accused of seeking "special treatment" and compared to a motherfucking disease. Do you people even hear yourselves???

Whether you mean to or not, actually no, it doesn't matter if you mean it or not, you are both queerphobic assholes perpetuating classic queerphobia. There is simply no debate here, and trying to invoke "academia" isn't going to get you anywhere since it is the same "academia" that once framed as as perverts and paedophiles. But yeah, I'm the one ignoring reality. Sure.

It seems like you're the one who is putting LGBTQ+ people on a pedestal, by refusing the same level of anthropological, cultural, or mental study that any other group of people might experience.

Is it racist to say that sickle-cell disease is more common in people of African descent? Or to study why that is?

Right, accuse the entire academia and their decades of study as "bigotry". Which is ironic of you to say after linking Wikipedia and its sources.

Like I said, read.