Former Blizzard President Thinks Tipping Game Creators Is Great Idea to – 178 points –
Former Blizzard President Thinks Tipping Game Creators Is Great Idea

By now, everyone in the world knows that American tipping culture is getting out of hand. That doesn't mean you can't introduce another way of "supporting" creators. Mike Ybarra, the former president of Blizzard, shared his desire to tip developers of especially enjoyable games.

"When I beat a game, there are some that just leave me in awe of how amazing the experience was. At the end of the game, I've often thought 'I wish I could give these folks another $10 or $20 because it was worth more than my initial $70 and they didn't try to nickel and dime me every second.'"


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To be fair I’ve had a similar thought after finishing a couple of games. Both were indie games though and I thought they were underpriced relative to the value that I got out of them. I mostly felt that way because I really really want to encourage good behavior from studios rather than see it all go to microtransactions and subscriptions.

Yeah I agree with the idea of once I beat a really good game I want to support the creator more. Baldurs Gate 3 was so good, and there was nothing to buy, so I bought another copy for a friend. Who later bought his wife a copy.

The gift of another sale and sharing the game by word of mouth is the highest praise.