Biden closes gap on Trump but third-party candidates pose danger, polls show to politics – 194 points –
Biden closes gap on Trump but third-party candidates pose danger, polls show

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The first Trump criminal trial starts tomorrow. Trump's fundraising is being crushed by Biden. RNC is hurting for cash and what is there is being gobbled up by Trump's lawyers. Down ballot candidates will have zero assistance.

Republicans are facing the most devastating defeat in their history. Polling has been garbage for two election cycles. Just look at the writing on the wall. Trump is running on fumes and it's only going to get worse.

Vote anyway.

Absolutely. Not voting is a vote for the candidate you don't like.

The neat part is that, for me, voting is also a vote for the candidate I don't like.

So I guess it comes down to which one will do the least harm to what you feel is the right thing. Both have had a term as president so we have a pretty good idea on how exactly they'll act in their second one.

All of the above appears to be true. Trump is being slammed both in court and out, and Trump's fundraising is going to his legal bills while Biden's getting more money and needing to spend it on fewer things. The early polls were scary, for sure, but Bidens numbers are improving, possibly because we're getting more real pollsters in the polling, possibly because less invested people are tuning into the election and realising that as much as the past 4 years sucked, Trump's handling of COVID and his approach to governing are much worse.

Still. We need to be careful with 'we've got this in the bag' thinking. We don't call TFG 'Teflon Don' for nothing. That guy's got more lives than a cat, and is wileyer than a fox. And you know what he's going to do based on what he's accusing other people of doing. We have got to turn out in exceptional numbers and UTTERLY CRUSH TRUMP at the poll box. Even then, we may need to brush up on our self-defence skills because I wouldn't put it past Trump and his backers to actually start an honest-to-goodness coup complete with guns and armies if he loses it. I'm not going to rest until Biden is reinaugurated in 2025...

I agree 100%. But also I think that a politics board on Lemmy is mostly going to be populated with folks who don't need to be told to vote no matter what. Local races are still important. And as you point out, winning by the biggest margin possible is important so even if polling has Biden with a 20 point margin, we've got to turn out and push it even higher. Plus local races are honestly more important to folks' day to day than who is President.

So absolutely everyone vote, but that message will be more important as the election gets closer and mostly in places that aren't full of politics nerds.