Am I going fucking crazy? (Regarding explicit songs being censored on various music streaming services.) to No Stupid – 226 points –

I swear to god, more and more I keep having 'clean' versions play on Spotify, YouTube Music, Deezer - despite the song being marked as 'Explicit'.

And no, I definitely do not have the setting checked for only playing clean versions.

It's not just me - is it?


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I've only noticed this with one song in my Spotify library, Johnny Cash's "A Boy Named Sue". I saved it years ago and near the end is a line "I'm the son of a bitch that named you Sue". Out of nowhere about a year ago the album version changed to be "I'm the [bleep] that named you Sue". It still shows the full lyrics, it's just the audio that's changed and it drives me up the wall.

That happens to a lot of songs with a a snippet of "socially" frowned upon lyrics. From a "Boy Named Sue to "My Dingaling" to When You Get a Hair Cut" to "Money for Nothin'". Recording artists often have recorded 2 different versions of some songs - one for people to buy and one that can be played on the radio due to "decency laws" set by the FCC and local ordinances.

It's been that way since the 1930s in the US.

I'm familiar with the way censored versions of songs work, I'm more miffed that the version I had saved was the explicit version until it randomly got changed to the censored version.