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Did the new memory safe high level programming language just drop?

Yes, but you need special keyboard for it:

jeżeli(x) {
    zwróć fałsz;

Exception handling:

bóbr kurwa {
} ja piedole (e) {

It's bobr, bóbr sounds like boober

It's referencing a Polish meme based on a viral video where someone approaches a beaver (bobr) and gets bitten (kurwa bobr gryże).

There's actually a polish translation of rust called rdza

I had to double check the word for rust in Polish thinking surely that it must be a typo, but no. Rdza is indeed rust in Polish. Kurwa język.

Edit: apparently a lot of other Slavic languages are similar, e.g. the equivalent of rżawczyna in Russian (don't have a Russian keyboard). Kurwa języki.