What's a common occurrence in your hobby that you think shouldn't be?

The Stoned Hacker@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 278 points –

For me it's driving while under the influence. If you couldn't tell, I like me some ganja. However I have long since held the belief that it is utterly insane to drive while under the influence of most substances, with maybe nicotine and caffeine being the exception. All too often I see other stoners smoking and driving, which I simply can't fathom. I've only operated a vehicle once under the influence and it was just to move a U-Haul around the block to a different parking spot, which was such a scary experience while high that I refuse to even consider getting behind the wheel again while high.


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and a handful of other people that don't understand why their ideas are being acted on

The image this evokes is hilarious

Oops I meant to say "aren't" not "are" but I think you got the idea