Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? to Patient – 126 points –

It has been a while since the last one. So...

Tell us what game you are currently, or recently played, greater than 6+ months old.

If the game happens to be on sale, a link would be a plus.


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I dove back into Division 2. Played the heck out of it on release but the RNG was just so fucking bad. Like...not D4 bad, but pretty close. Now the game is a lot more relaxed, and in some cases will allow you to select the type of loot youd like, as a percentage chance when rare loot drops. Anyway, besides that I've been spreading my democraseed in Helldivers 2 with some friends. Blows my mind we are doing Suicide on a normal basos now when that used to be a wet dream. Not a brag, I just usually cant hack it in shooters anymore. I also have Raft in the rotation. Really good zen game that I highly recommend. Can usually pick it up for cheap too.

Does Raft require co-op to be fun?

I recently picked up The Forest and I found that The Forest is tough to enjoy without co-op because of enemy difficulty.

Does Raft suffer from this?

Oh you can solo the entirety of Raft no issues, on any difficulty. I've done a few playthroughs as I've had it since it first went into early access. Haven't done the harder difficulties, but did Normal, Easy, and Peaceful. All doable solo. Have fun!