Games that still need more patience: what games released a year ago (or older) are you waiting for a sale on? Or that need another patch? to Patient – 58 points –

Other than a slew of Nintendo titles that maybe hopefully will come down in price (the patient gamers' bane), I have my eye on the next time Divinity: Original Sin 2 goes on sale. A friend who never plays anything other than WoW loved playing Larian's newest with me and I'm trying to get her to pick this up. Pretty sure she'd like it.

I was also watching Star Trek: Infinite's progress. I was quite interested in that one at launch but firmly decided to be patient. Naturally, it was discontinued last week. Oof.

Are there any games you're currently price watching? Or hoping for bug fixes/more content?


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Bunch of games on my Steam wishlist I'm mildly interested in but not willing to pay more than about $10 for, since they'd just wind up sitting in my backlog until I have time to play them. Waiting for a steep sale.

Some of the highlights:

  • Cassette Beasts

  • Sonic Frontiers

  • Cyberpunk 2077

  • Red Dead Redemption 2

  • Dark Souls III

Edit: Didn't see the "year ago or older" caveat in the title.

some of these are more than worth purchasing even at full price

Edit: Didn’t see the “year ago or older” caveat in the title.

I think most didn't 😅 Was trying to keep it fully on-topic, but I guess it's still mostly on-topic.