US vetoes widely supported resolution backing full UN membership for Palestine to World – 629 points –
US vetoes widely supported resolution backing full UN membership for Palestine

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The corollary of "there is no lesser evil", is "there is no greater evil". You're saying that there is absolutely no crime that could be committed that would be worse? Like, say, genocide AND a descent into fascism? Maybe flavored with a nice sprinkling of loss of women's rights?

Don't forget he's also a serial war criminal pardoner, on top of everybody else. The orange man has no respect for human rights

Don't forget that Trump has pretty much called for a genocide right here at home in the US, against trans people, against immigrants, and against pretty much anyone who doesn't share his views. This doesn't even count the stuff that his donors and PACs already have lined up for him to sign as soon as he sits his ass in the chair, or the fact that several US states have attempted to decriminalize murdering certain groups of people.

It's just a trumpet, pay it no mind