Batterules to – 860 points –

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generally, having a shit diet will make you not smell (and i guess certain.. parts.. taste) great.

whenever i eat mcdonalds i stink of some specific compound in their food for several days afterward, even if i shower thuroughly

Meanwhile I can eat expired MREs and drnk nothing but Mt dew for a week and at worst I shit a brick and feel my teeth. Sounds like ya have a skill issue.

I have noticed the same thing too... I think it's in the buns. At least I don't notice it with their fries or nuggets

maybe there are several parts of the food that curse you with a smell, because the specific one i'm thinking of smells like the mctasty sauce tastes, which makes the whole thing even more disturbing

Hmm I haven't ever tried the Mctasty sauce, but yeah it's a very distinct McDonald's smell, kinda like how your car smells for a couple days after having the food in there