3 Post – 24 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Rhode Island isn't really an island. Like, yeah it's named after one of its islands, but people who live in the state are on the continental part. I thought the whole state was an island lmao

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I'm here. Just 2 more left.

Your hair looks awesome btw!! I hope you are living your best life <3

Orangutans are solitary for most of their lives

slaps top of bathtub this bad boy can fit so much spaghetti in it

Serious question: what's up with the whole shower beer thing? I have definitely had a beer in the shower a few times in my life, which could be described as rock bottom or a really fun crazy night...

Is it essentially glass-of-wine-in-the-bathtub selfcare?

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I have noticed the same thing too... I think it's in the buns. At least I don't notice it with their fries or nuggets

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I think they are referring to the measuring spoons used for dry ingredients. In middle school home ec class, we were told to never use dry measuring tools for liquids and vice versa, the teacher implied that the measurement would be different

Thank you! I saw someone else having the same issue the other day. Never really considered the rotation being in the metadata

Look up slime molds. Suuuuper interesting stuff, they are often regarded as an early model of evolution from single-celled to multi-celled organisms

That's very cool! Chemistry was always my most difficult subject (biology major). We use acetanilide at work as standard reference material for stable isotope analysis of particulate organic matter (e.g., phytoplankton/marine snow), basically as a quality check since it has similar carbon and nitrogen signatures. Always excited to learn interesting science facts! :)

This is the best answer I've seen. Basically the color tells you where the bleed is occurring. On/near the surface will be bright red and indicate likely fissures or hemorrhoids, while dark red to black color indicates a bleed further up the digestive tract which can be something much more serious.

Apparently doctors get asked this A LOT and a little red blood when you wipe is very normal. However, best thing to do is talk to your doctor to be on the safe side

If it helps, I found Khan academy to be an excellent resource for learning math when your teacher sucks. It's free and makes learning feel more like a fun game

Sorry your post reminded me of this

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I am curious, what are your religious beliefs on this? And would you be willing to accept a donated organ to save your life?

I am not sure why you are getting downvoted for answering the question. Yes, lemmy tends to have fewer religious people, but it's upsetting that others are quick to downvote anyone expressing their religious beliefs. Personally I am agnostic, however I respect that everyone has the right to their beliefs.

Hmm I haven't ever tried the Mctasty sauce, but yeah it's a very distinct McDonald's smell, kinda like how your car smells for a couple days after having the food in there

Sweet Dreams and Tainted Love by Marilyn Manson

  • "Worry" by Jack Garratt

  • "The Business of Emotion (feat. White Sea)" by Big Data

  • "In My Head" by Peter Manos

  • "Nancy Boy" by Placebo

  • "Daylight" by David Kushner

  • "Heroin" by Badflower

  • "Hell Is Around The Corner" by Tricky

  • "Good Luck" by Broken Bells

  • "Cellophane" by FKA Twigs

This is some of the stuff I've been listening to pretty consistently over the last year or so. I am excited to listen to everyone else's suggestions because I need new tunes

Totally random and off-topic, but I like your username. Was literally looking up how potentially toxic acetanilide is the other day when we received a small shipment of it at work. Do you have a fun origin story for your username or any fun facts about the substance?

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Came here to ask the same question. Are the pods more effective (aka quicker/less traumatic) or do they have the same results?

Cheering on the guy who does not avoid shitting for 3 days Keep up the good fight, my dude!

My last phone had the same issue, actually relatively cheap to get the port replaced at one of those tech repair places

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