What's up with all the trout posting?

PrincessTardigrade@lemmy.world to Out of the loop@lemmy.world – 40 points –

I woke up and all I see are memes about trouts


  • beans
  • stroganoff
  • jeans
  • trout

As was foretold.

You forgot holding your poop, arguably the most important one in the history of Lemmy

holding your poop in too much cant be that healthy

Now give us the next trend; and why not, the lottery numbers

That SpongeBob fish meme.

0118, 999, 881, 999, 119, 725...3.

Hmmm... I predict something around a moderately-obscure but likeable celebrity.

And the lottery numbers will be...


Clearly it will be various forms of verdant vegetables...greens if you will.

It started with an initial shitpost that looked like a Wikipedia screen cap that said something like, "Trout populations are highly vulnerable to environmental damage. For example, a meteor striking the earth will damage the trout population"

People started referencing that shitpost, usually something along the lines of "[something cataclysmic and world ending] will hurt the trout population"

Something seems fishy, I haven't seen a single trout post all day

I've been on here all day and haven't seen a single trout post lol

I'm sure I'll start seeing them now that I've talked about it though

Come to think of it, starting with this post, it has already begun.