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Joined 13 months ago

And forced a sane but disruptive man through a disabling procedure?

No. She went way the hell too far so she could protect her little kingdom and stay in power. She was not concerned with helping her charges improve their lot in life.

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I totally get where you're coming from but wanted to put the counterpoint, as obvious as it was.

She was caring for those who nobody else could for at that time, and to generally good effect day to day.

I've worked in group homes and know of the challenges you face in serving those who aren't all that stable.

Just would never have advocated for that solution for anyone really. All that is said with historical knowledge and such.

Yours was a good post.

She was trying her best with that she had and knew at the time, even if she overreacted in the end, to terrible effect.

Inspired by Michelle Bachmann.

"Johnny Dangerously" came to mind once.


Knights of the Old Republic.

I'd heard for many years how amazing they were, so I finally tried them.

Each game has a major plot twist. Both are obvious enough but if you google anything the spoiler in the first game is ruined.

The one in the second I was assured was a better game but apparently only if you download the unofficial patch that finishes the game, and it still can't save the game from the obvious fucking fact you've been carrying around the BBEG since the goddamned beginning while everyone tried to pretend otherwise.

People want remakes of these games primarily for nostalgia, and they do not hold up.

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I do block them, but I will still call it out when I see it.

Go the fuck away, fascist.

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Yes, but the warning was included in the subject. Also there's no more obvious twist than that.

Until there are some kind of real penalties for submitting unconstitutional legislation, we will not be able to stop these clowns from abusing our state legislatures.

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He was an antivax conspiracy theorist who was convinced there was no Trump/Russia connection.

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Actually the thought is if the government can just imprison you to stop your candidacy, they have too much power.

Thus they can continue to run.

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I have never been a Facebook user so I'm mostly guessing.

But I think there was a heyday where people spent a great deal of time on there.

Now they don't. They just log on when it's needed to get ahold of someone or check a specific niche community.

Thus it's dying because the ad revenue is way down. It's in decline not because it lacks users, but because they no longer spend hours there.

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Kevin Spacey, Woody Harrelson, Rob Schneider, Jeremy Piven, Russell Brand, Bobby Lee, and Tony Robbins are all pitching in for RFK.

It's a veritable 'Who's Who?' of 'Him? Really?'

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If the company tells the union to fuck off, all of the workers who belong to that union walk off the job and the employer has to run short handed or shut down production.

The union is the workers joining together so that they have more bargaining power - all the people who know how the business works are sitting idle. Can the business afford to replace and retrain them all?

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Sure, but a corrupt government can fabricate evidence to keep their enemies silenced.

Look at Russia and their treatment of Alexei Navalny.

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Click on all the squares that contain YOU.

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This is why we have no honesty in politics.

For fucks sake. He's trying to do everything he can to alert the country their democracy is in grave danger to the point of admitting he wouldn't still be there if he didn't think he had the best chance of stopping Trump.

And at the sidelines we have endless hand-wringing about his age and calls for a better candidate.


Everyone complains the Democrats suck at messaging and then bitch about everything they say and do, even when it's honest, straightforward, and easy to understand.

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We are not ready for AI shenanigans. This wasn't even that, much easier to throw together for rage points.

There were three women who were best friends, took their breaks together, etc. And in the Christmas season they wore matching knit sweaters and would walk down the hall side by side so it would read "Ho! Ho! Ho!"

But one day when I was leaving the break room, they approached... and one was out sick. Before I could stop myself I asked "Where's the other Ho?"

Might've gotten a visit to HR from it if I hadn't looked so shocked at myself.

The article is the headline, for anyone reluctant to click. There's literally no more info given. Not even more words. This comment is longer.

No, this is big. Someone committed to the cause looked at the evidence and reconsidered her opinion.

This can be useful to get through to some that they have been manipulated, that they have been made terrified of education for unfounded reasons.

Anyone converted away is a win, even if not statisically significant.

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Burnout, stress, depression, overwhelmed, any number of things could be going on.

Talk to your professors and an advisor, see what resources they have for you.

But also understand this says NOTHING bad about you, and in fact recognizing you are struggling and need help is a good sign.

My vet tech wife believes you're correct, a cyst or blocked gland and nothing to worry about. Keep an eye on it to be safe. Def not a tick.

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He has the support of Sanders. And me. I consider myself a progressive.

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Of course he doesn't. Fucking fascists.

Equal protection under the law!

So I assume this attack was reported by the perpetrators, as spam on Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit are far far worse problems.

I've had a bidet for years, before covid even. It really is a game changer. You'd be surprised how much more clean you feel.

They have relatively cheap and easy to install ones that just go under your toilet seat and connect to the toilet's water supply. That's what I use.

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Which is the whole point of having Bill Maher as a host, similar to Joe Rogan.

He will accept what you say at face value for his audience and be surprised after the fact that he was 'duped'.

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So if these properties are seized and mortgaged to the hilt, he's still responsible for the balance owed, isn't he?


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Because the prosecution failed to make their case, mishandled the evidence, and were torn apart by a well funded defense.

Nothing justifies the deaths, and I would not try to. But being able to mount a defense against charges made on you by the government is a cornerstone of our justice system.

Thus I do feel comfortable saying that I think he was guilty and that the jury acted properly. The case was NOT well presented at all, even with all the evidence they had.

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Well clearly the difference is the Swiss suicide pod is for suicide, and in Alabama it is state-sanctioned murder.

I can understand disagreeing about the death penalty but the difference between choosing to do this to yourself vs it being done to you regardless of your feelings is a dramatic difference, is it not?

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You look fine, don't overthink that.

Good luck!

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Fascism, wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.

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Until I read the article I assumed it was where they had sex the first time.

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Yes, tell the administrators to whip those students into shape, that'll bring them around.

Certainly won't have any blowback in the least.

Well that's hilarious.

My second run on my PS5 has been so terribly glitchy. And yes, it's a Dark Urge run.

My response to being caught is to murder some more.

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While tripping on a large dose of LSD, I decided to practice with my new and incredibly sharp wood chisels on a block of pine.

Amazingly I didn't cut myself at all.

My friend found a stop motion animated clay Don Quixote, where the clay work was rough and you could see thumbprints. It was the perfect vibe for tripping and carving, the gouges I was making in the wood looked like the clay, and bit by bit I made that block into a volcano.

In order to do that I kept twisting my right arm (I'm left handed) clockwise, and when I came down from the hallucinogens, the nerves in my arm went dead. Hand just slid off the keyboard.

It was fine twenty minutes later. And that's my story, the best acid trip I ever had. Worked through my obsessions a bit and let go of them.

In the following weeks I asked three women out and got shot down each time instead of thinking about doing so for a month and being a creep.

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You love to see it.

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That's the actual headline!

A highlight:

"So now is when you and I get to spike the football and do the happy dance. BROKE-ASS DONALD TRUMP IS BROKE AS S—T! YOU PATHETIC LOSER! YOU SAGGY-ASS HOBO! YOU DON’T HAVE NO ICE CREAM ... YOU DIDN’T GET NONE! YOU DIDN’T GET NONE!"

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This is a Forbes article that shows as coming from Google. Just worth mentioning.

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