School board member who once championed book bans now faces death threats for changing her mind to politics – 238 points –
School board member who once championed book bans now faces death threats for changing her mind - LGBTQ Nation

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No, this is big. Someone committed to the cause looked at the evidence and reconsidered her opinion.

This can be useful to get through to some that they have been manipulated, that they have been made terrified of education for unfounded reasons.

Anyone converted away is a win, even if not statisically significant.

☝️ there's a fine line between maintaining personal safety and allowing conservatives to create divisiveness, and not everybody knows how to keep their balance. Hell the only reason I know is because I've basically made a career of taking care of people who want to kill me.

She reaped what she sowed.

Other conservatives won't learn until they personally receive death threats.

This is funny, but not some kind of turning point.

Considering that this entire story is about a conservative that learned without the need for receiving death threats pretty much disproves your entire point.

Though I know how edgy one is for suggesting that some deserve to have their life threatened for doing things they disagree with.

Do better.

Conservatives generally don't do empathy, unless something affects them personally. Otherwise they don't care.