AI nowaday is like Bluetooth 20 years ago: they put it everywhere where it's almost never useful

VodkaSolution to – 689 points –

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That's very fair. I don't like how unpredictable Bluetooth is when you have multiple peripherals and multiple hosts paired to eachother and all within range of eachother.

Having two pairs of AirBudz, one AirBudz pro, and an Anker speaker attached via BT to my phone and all of them function exactly when I want perfectly… Bluetooth works amazingly.

You never have audio coming out of a device you didn't expect?

Nope! The budz only produce audio when they’re in my ears or my partner’s. I can select to mirror audio to both of us at the same time when we’re exercising. The speaker only works when I turn it on, but it connects immediately every time. I suppose I forgot about my car, which works but has a delay cuz the infotainment system kinda sucks.

Say what you want about bluetooth, but I'm amazed by the battery life of those devices