[\#Hydrogen](https://jorts.horse/tags/Hydrogen) infused water?

CrimeDad@lemmy.crimedad.work to pics@lemmy.world – 138 points –

Please suggest relevant communities to share these sorts of nonsense products marketed with unfounded health claims.

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.crimedad.work/post/74365

cross-posted from: https://jorts.horse/users/fathermcgruder/statuses/112309753228570337

#Hydrogen infused water?

I am of course pro #HydrogenEconomy, but this sort of nonsense is just too much.

#SnakeOil #CitationNeeded #pseudoscience



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There are studies which suggest that there are health benefits to drinking hydrogen infused water, but I'm not reading all that. I doubt that the actual research is good quality or that the findings are actually significant. Furthermore, as someone else replied, it's likely that most of the hydrogen that was infused in the water at the factory has escaped by the time the product reaches the consumer.

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