How do people fall for believing in socialism, despite its downfalls? to – -55 points –

After reading in economic systems and how have they been applied, I started realising how impossible it is to have a good true socialist country.


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The problem isn’t socialism in the countries I’m sure you’ve seen (Soviets, etc), it’s totalitarianism. Leaders have used the guise of socialism to get the initial public support to gain power, and they make a show of it, but the real game in town is the power structure. Look into Pinochet’s Chile for a similar example with a hardcore capitalism as the economic system

No true Scotsman fallacy.

I will also argue that with human nature as it is, building socialism without totalitarianism is not possible. Or without mind control.

The fact is that totalitarian socialism is the only one that was possible to realize.

Well, it makes sense how that has happened. The revolution in Russia had many groups working together to kill the Tsar. Once he's dead, the most militant and authoritarian is going to have the easiest time saying "I'm in charge, no objections right?"

And they did object sometimes, and the tanks turned around when they did.

USSR was one of many.

The soviets spent their entire existence trying to make all countries interested in socialism fall under their thumb. And the USA consequently spent a lot of time trying to make those socialist countries fail. Nothing happened in a vacuum