Thunderbird's New Rust Integration: The Future of Email Clients? to – 319 points –
Thunderbird's New Rust Integration: The Future of Email Clients?

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K-9 mail... isn’t supported or being developed any more.

That's not true. They make frequent-enough releases, they post monthly progress reports, and they are actually going to become Thunderbird's Android version.

Having said that, I almost switched to FairEmail because K-9 lacked support for some sort of authentication measure (which I no longer need), but that wasn't because K-9 stopped development.

They must have started again. It was a dead project when I switched to FairEmail. I'm glad to hear it, because it's a good program.

I don't recall it ever being a dead project. They did have a time period where you had to either join the beta on Play Store, obtain the beta on Github releases, or use F-Droid and install the beta. They were working on integrating certain things and rewrites before doing an official release.

It was a pinned issue in their issue tracker.

The whole 5.7xx series were betas, and 5.800 started the official releases again