Parents with genuinely good looking sons but mostly daughters. How do you make sure they don't build their whole personality around looks? to – -7 points –

because it can be if people start to treat them differently when they stop looking appealing they may don't understand it at first and later maybe have a depression and no plan b


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As soon as they start to look smug about their appearances, I berate them heavily. For about a week after, I'll make them wear unflattering accessories, such as snake skin chaps, or a boa made entirely from raw chicken. If they ever ask why, I yell at the top of my lungs about how one day they'll be ugly and need a plan b.

I hope this answer was at least as ridiculous as the question.

Ah, the Harrison Bergeron school of parenting.

You're working way too hard. I just make my kid where shirts that clearly say "I'm ugly" and encourage the neighborhood's kids and his classmates to throw eggs and rotten tomatoes at them.