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Joined 12 months ago

Pretty sure this happened in the show Community.

Could be a few bad months from being homeless, never a few good months from being wealthy.

There's a pest control salesman who goes door to door every year, who I can't stand. Not only does he say outright incorrect things, but he can't take no for an answer. Every polite refusal turns into, "You know what, we can knock 80 bucks off that right now" or "How about we just make the first month free."

Next time he comes knocking, I'm going to be immediately upfront. I'm not interested in paying money to spray poison, that will end up in the canal and the river, to kill bugs that birds and frogs and bats could be eating.

Some skinny girl climbed into my lap at a college house party. I was very fucked up. For some reason, I thought a good thing to say was, "Why not, I've fucked fatter chicks." She immediately got up and we never spoke again. No clue why I said that. I never even got her name, which is a shame, because I'd like to apologize.

It's wild to me that ctl+alt+del is relevant today at all. I used to read webcomics in high school all the time, CAD included. Loss was definitely eye opening, it was a real moment of "wasn't this comic about video games?" But then it was forgotten about for so long. It's a marvel to me that random moment in such a dated comic got meme'd on this hard.

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I want to know what the dolphen was wearing, maybe a dark hoodie. Will they release the arrest record of the dulphin? What was the dolphin holding? Why is so much media attention going to this one dolphon? All sea creatures matter. I read the fisherman thought it was his taser and feared for his life, let's see how you react in a dark alley with a young dofin.

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That's what my first thoughts were as well, but they were flying in some pretty nasty weather. Thick fog, high winds, in a remote forested mountain range. While it is entirely possible that the CIA and IDF may have collaborated on some impromptu helicopter modifications, I think the question is less "Who could have done this?" and is more "Why were they flying in those conditions?"

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No no, it's okay, my nephew is half porpoise, I can say that.

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I was late to work last Friday, intentionally, because my cat fell asleep in my lap while I was eating breakfast. That moment meant more to me than making sure I was there in time, no matter what it may have impacted. Working to live, not living to work, is the rallying cry upper management needs to come to terms with.

This quote from Men In Black sums it up for me: "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it."

As soon as they start to look smug about their appearances, I berate them heavily. For about a week after, I'll make them wear unflattering accessories, such as snake skin chaps, or a boa made entirely from raw chicken. If they ever ask why, I yell at the top of my lungs about how one day they'll be ugly and need a plan b.

I hope this answer was at least as ridiculous as the question.

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You got it.

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Iced Earth guitarist was one of the first ones in the door on January 6th. The band pretty much said they disagree with his actions,but not his intent.

Guitarist from Manowar in trouble for being a pedo.

Years ago, Zazz Blammymatazz had a song about getting head from a 14 year old.

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Or they're attempting to leverage a person's grief for financial gain.

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I love how the AI art understands that there should be more stuff in a sub. There's pipes and wires in that image, where on the now crushed sub, it was a smooth room into which they were bolted. Even the AI image controller has a wire on it.

Once my mom died, things opened up significantly. Just hang in there.

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About as often as I skip electronics on bodies of water.

If I'm not mistaken, it's just to say where the dog has been.

As far as pee ownership goes, if you can get to the pee first, it's yours. You should probably ask the owner first if it's not a stray.

Reminds me of that arc in Breaking Bad where they had to keep making money to pay off people in jail to keep them from flipping and trying for a plea. I forget how it ended though.

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Oh god

A while back, I was reading about one of these billionaires talking about how they'd fly people to Mars, then they could work off their flight and living expenses by working for the company there. I wish I could see the looks on their faces when they find out that company scrip doesn't buy flights back.

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Potentially. I can't see state media of Ukraine being excited to brag about shooting up a concert full of civilians. The blowback about brazenly attacking a non-military target such as a concert would be intense. Especially when the Ukrainian drone strikes on Russian infrastructure has seen progress.

Certain weapons like Iron Dome interceptors can only really be used for that purpose. I'm sure if Hamas got their hands on the interceptors, they would make clever use of the warheads.

But I do agree with you. Whose to say they don't have enough munitions stockpiled already to shell Gaza for years to come? Or maybe purchase under the table from other supportive countries in Europe?

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Just talking about what I saw from my perspective. Your mileage may vary.

If there's r34 for The Brave Little Toaster, there's gotta be images of a pontoon getting swarmed by jetskis.

I can't wait to see him in a wheelchair and on oxygen when he appeals for compassionate release.

There's no ethical consumption under capitalism. Whatever brand you switch to will probably have some horrible shit going on that we're unaware of. When forced to choose between the lesser of two evils, you still have to justify an evil. Just buy whatever makes you happiest and try to put good into the world.

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I always struggled with this question as a kid. It wasn't until I was much older I realized it for the capitalist propaganda that it is.

I see where you're coming from as well. Honestly, your mileage may vary. Do what you can in the moment. What happened to me may not apply in this situation. But if you need to talk, I'll be here.

Well you said you didn't want to pick an execution method because they all needed medical doctors, so I proposed a situation that doesn't require one except to declare death. But good point, we'll only pick up this discussion after you break in and rip the mask off the next execution victim.

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I laughed so hard at this that I teared up, thank you.

Very true! I guess I just never expected a random webcomic I stopped reading years ago to ever be relevant again haha.

No idea, I was discussing hypotheticals.

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Quoting an article about safe use of nitrogen, it is odorless, tasteless, and colorless. At extreme low levels of oxygen, nitrogen can cause unconsciousness and death in seconds and without warning.

I'm not talking about the chimps who executed this guy designing the system, I'm talking about qualified scientists designing it. The beauty is, you don't need a medical doctor to monitor oxygen levels if you rapidly remove the oxygen and add nitrogen. Send in slightly chilled nitrogen and the air will rise above it. Relief valve up top spits out the oxygen. Homeboy is unconsciousness before he realizes why the air just got cold.

The freediver will hold his breath confidently for four minutes, exhale, suck in pure nitrogen, and be out in a breath or two.

I agree that the state does lie and incompetently kills people, but we can design a system that does it well. I just don't agree they should ever use it.

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All options do not require a medical professional to administer. It does not take someone with a doctor's knowledge or skill to make an airproof chamber. It won't take a doctor to set up a system to add air to the chamber. You don't need to be a doctor to rig a way to flood the chamber with another gas and remove the oxygen. Non-doctors can wheel him in, strapped to a bed. Then the regular pre-PhD's can operate the system. Now the scientists and engineers to design this death trap may have doctorates, but they don't need medical licenses. Design it well enough and a chimp or small child can operate the chamber controls. You will need a medical professional to declare death, though.

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See how many times you can skip it on a lake.

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I agree that ethics aren't binary, and the threshold of your selection is defined by which evils you're willing to tolerate. How much grey are you willing to support?

I don't believe the slope to nihilism is that slippery. I was merely trying to advocate for OP's mental wellbeing. If they're able to find a soap they like that isn't related to the company they're trying to avoid, good for them.

However, undoubtedly, whatever company they select will have some shades of grey. For the sake of argument, let's say Company A is supporting a war OP disagrees with. Company B is committing wage theft and is polluting the environment worse than Company A.

Now OP has to decide. Short of making their own soap, they have to support something they might not be completely comfortable with. Or, which is the point I was originally trying to make, is that we all have to deal with shady companies doing awful things and there is little we can do about it. So OP might as well use the soap that makes them happy with how their skin feels.

Or perhaps OP could shoplift the soap they prefer. They get the skin they enjoy without having to support big box stores or they company that makes the soap. We have options here.

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I don't see the link to the onion?

I disagree, you wouldn't need a medical doctor in my proposal except to declare death.

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One is deteriorated by years of palm grease, the other is unadorned by grabber sweat.