Senate passes bill forcing TikTok’s parent company to sell or face ban, sends to Biden for signature. Biden expected to sign on Wed. to – 431 points –
Senate passes bill forcing TikTok's parent company to sell or face ban, sends to Biden for signature

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80% of contant on tik tok is pro Palestine compared to 20% pro Isreal. They cannot have the young generation be made aware of the world's injustices. Thats why it was the fastest bill to pass.

This is my point when people say "it's just getting sold, don't worry". Yeah I am sure after Google, FB or Steven Mnuchin's investor group buys it I will still see all the pro Palestine stuff in my feed...

You're saying all content on TikTok is about Palestine or Israel. Math doesn't add up.

Dude think for a moment its not hard to understand. Obviously the percentage describes the contant ratio between the two political fronts.

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