For the fourth day in a row, Earth has broken or equalled its hottest average temperature record

Sam to World – 1999 points –
For the fourth day in a row, Earth has broken or equalled its hottest average temperature record

The planet's average temperature hit 17.23 degrees Celsius on Thursday, surpassing the 17.18C record set on Tuesday and equalled on Wednesday.


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Yeah, it's great to know we'll die off!

I mean, it’s also great that we’re not leaving behind offspring to have progressively poorer lives until it’s just Event Horizon: Earth.

If we all had this point of view, that’d be the end of us.

The consequences of inaction in the late 20th and early 21st centuries will be the end of us. 😀 To hope otherwise or lament over is just wasting time. Enjoy life before it gets worse!

That’s a rather pessimistic view. Yes, it will be hard as fuck. Yes, unfortunately it will be the end of some us. But I think we as a race will prevail and I don’t think simply giving up right now is an option.

I do agree the human race will prevail, but honestly I just wish we didn't. like wtf just look around us and all the shit we caused.