Qatari official: Jews are murderers of prophets; October7 is only a 'prelude' to World – 118 points –
Qatari official: Jews are murderers of prophets; October 7 is only a ‘prelude’

Essa Al-Nassr, a member of the Qatari legislative Shura council, spoke on Monday at an Arab League session, received ovation making bigoted accusations against Jews and promising the end of Israel.


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That's weird. I wonder if it is because of the genocide?

So, is it right to commit genocide because of another genocide that exists only in your mind?

A person suggesting genocide as a solution is a dangerous idiot; a country actually performing war crimes that make the whole world wonder if they are commiting genocide needs to be stopped.

I don't want to debate the semantics of genocide, I just want them to stop murdering everything that moves, destroying all infrastructure, and starving an entire population.

How could we execute this in such a way that it cannot be considered genocide but extinction? Perhaps a faulty experimental satellite somehow tows an asteroid and turns the nazionist cities into sodom and Gomorrah like in their fairy tales? Surely that counts as just good old extinction event instead. /S

A person suggesting genocide as a solution is a dangerous idiot


Nothing about war is pleasent.