US cluster bombs deal is clear signal that war is not going well for Ukraine

☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆ to World – -7 points –
US cluster bombs deal is clear signal that war is not going well for Ukraine

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You've proven your sympathies well, here. And I believe you've persuasively shown you are who and how they say you are.

I do agree, as an American, that we should be seen as somewhat psychopathic. We want what we want and don't always follow through like promised. That said, I don't see too many futures where containing Russia isn't enough to hold our attention (and therefore, resources).

Your country is a genocidal regime that's responsible for some of the most despotic crimes against humanity. Currently, your regime is cynically using the people of Ukraine as a way to try and weaken Russia as the paper RAND published prior to the war very clearly explains.

This hubris isn't going well for you.

You continue to respond in poor faith and describe me in ways that are inaccurate. Or pretend that Americans are a monolith, you have a unique objective view of the monolith, and I fit that monolith. Then you respond to me as that stereotype you've created. And as though I'm in full agreement.

This isn't going anywhere.

You're just straw manning here since I didn't say a single thing about you. So, you're definitely right it's not going anywhere.