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Joined 1 years ago

I go places and do things. Sometimes I take pics.

If you're watching your country lose ground in a war, have difficulties taking it back, and all the help is just enough to prolong the pain - and you're told to celebrate and be grateful while calling a non-collapse a win...

You get to have a bad day, in my book. God help him, I don't want his job for a God damn day.

And, I agree, he's been so consistently on point. Maybe that's part of what makes this a story.

That and people who just want the Ujraine to stop resisting and allow the ethnic cleanse. It happened, it would resume (if it stopped).

Good. And finish making the IRS site and let's end their little charade.

Grieve. Be kind to yourself, be kind to them. Allow yourself to feel without resisting the feelings. But don't chase them either.

There isn't a right way to feel for most of this.

Part of grieving is reflection (usually). Remembering good times, bad times and wish-they-were-different times. Find a way to be with those moments and accept them as they are: moments. They aren't lost, just future ones will be different.

And that's okay. Or it will be. And you'll be okay, too.

I ruminate too. I tell myself it helps me learn, helps me grow, helps me remember not to "x". It rarely helps. It's just a conditioned response that makes me feel more control while i actually lose some.

What truly helps is healing. Learning that sometimes compatability isn't a you tho Ing or a them thing. But it's still a thing and somebody called the spade a spade.

If you weren't up to your standards, then rise. Otherwise, coat yourself in patience. Listen to YouTube videos like Tara Brach. Be honest with yourself as you heal. We all have barbs, we all have scars.

The guy who won "over a billion" (that's not what he got to keep) has headlines with his full name, what real estate he's bought, lawsuits brought against him and he's had to get body guards.

Because california forces a person to claim it and anonymity isn't allowed.

When I read the posy what I heard was: how do we ensure high quality content? If we have that, SE won't need the O.

And I'm down for high quality.

It was their fiduciary responsibility, wasn't it?

The shareholders weren't going to get a better offer.

Completely agree.

I have so much less control and navigating is not easier. I exclusively use it for work and as infrequently as possible.

I'm consistently impressed with Samsung flagship and plan to remain there for the years to come.

Different strokes for different folks, but this is where I land.

ITT: a lot of "either/or"

I'm not sure that evolution cares one wit about any of our theories. If it means I'm the dad and I'm the dad more often... then it will be favored.

If I enjoy it more, she enjoys it more or it means that my sperm have increased likelihood of winning... that's all that matters.

And when I say "or" above, it can include any of those things. It need not be exclusive.

With the country built into the community name. Less confusion and wasted energy that way.

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Would Biden break an Occupy like Obama did?

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Stop edge loading. You are hurting any cause you purport to endorse.

Do the research on why people dislike you. And if you're doing this on purpose, I hope mods all over pay attention.

I don't know that people understand just how important the government (and its predictability) matters to business.

They are in a hurricane area. Tornados, floods sink holes and a governor who likes to bankrupt businesses for spite.

If they are doing this to limit their exposure to losses, I get it.

Ditto. Never regretted lifetime sync for reddit.

Very interested to see what he does with this.

I'm curious, which part is a myth? I only see facts and not all of them paint America as great.

These things exist elsewhere, besides. Just not always in "the West."

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They have no heart or soul, only brief flickers of "try" followed by "squirrel!"

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Good point. Why even engage you?

You have made clear your disdain for all Americans.

I'm not even looking for you but you're everywhere just provoking people while acting like you're persuasive. And your persuasive ability is to anger potential allies.

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"I should be free enough to abuse (or even own) other people."

~ some Republicans, probably

I'd have to use it to protect it from all the other private owners of weaponized, advantage-seeking AGI owners.

They will exist.

While I'm concerned about the financial fraud and all, she was running a scam on people's health.

This isn't simply dollars. Not that the scale of her financial scam isn't enough.

It's only returning to normal if normal people keep informing themselves (with truth) and voting.

Otherwise the extreme right will put this whole thing in peril again as quickly as they can.

You've proven your sympathies well, here. And I believe you've persuasively shown you are who and how they say you are.

I do agree, as an American, that we should be seen as somewhat psychopathic. We want what we want and don't always follow through like promised. That said, I don't see too many futures where containing Russia isn't enough to hold our attention (and therefore, resources).

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All systems require a check on greed and something that pulls things back to balanced. What we have (in the US) right now isn't it.

SCOTUS has not helped in the least.

We need incentives for participation because "the feels" isn't enough to motivate most to work all that much. But we need taxes and laws to keep things from skewing like they have.

Two half doors, pocket mount, motors, wifi, and a pshhhhh sound. Oh, and implanted NFC.

Only way to go - Full Star Trek.

You assume others have not done the research when you see the rejection.

How much research do you think we need to do? Requiring high levels of research to repudiate intolerant, incivil, racist actions is... trolling. Whether others care to call it that or not.

I don't need to have a 3 point, multi-paragraph essay on why I don't drink bleach. I don't drink it because it's poison.

Same thing here.

Tolerance is a peace treaty and OP seems clearly in favor of intolerance. "Enlightened tolerance" of intolerance is how societies slip.

Where is your line?

Safeway, a part of Albertsons, takes its market position for granted near its own HQ. I hate to see what will happen with the merger.

I'm hoping a lot of stores are spun off and thrive. Albertsons is good at shenanigans with that and the government needs to pay attention.

OP is an angry tankie who, to their credit, surfaces topics. Any of us can, few of us do.

Until and unless a more diverse set of people surface news/topics, we'll have the status quo.

He kept it local. Can't be spending to send those electrons too far...

Thank you. That's all, just... thank you.

I think getting actionable advice was the point of the thread.

Editorials are often seen as disrespectful and dont get the engagement you'd hope (this isn't a news community).

Of all media sources, this is what you chose. It speaks to your intentions.

As do your other posts.

Gish, gallop elsewhere. Trolling by requiring that every misstep on your part get a 5 point refutation IS trolling.

You continue to respond in poor faith and describe me in ways that are inaccurate. Or pretend that Americans are a monolith, you have a unique objective view of the monolith, and I fit that monolith. Then you respond to me as that stereotype you've created. And as though I'm in full agreement.

This isn't going anywhere.

It's a troll move. Make you do hours of work, you post, they do a new low-effort post and expect you to dance all over again.

Because if you won't, you're clearly avoiding the topic.

Flip the script and ask them to post, but sometimes you learn there's another angle than you've been told. Sometimes.

I hope that the end result of this is good common sense. If they can't go to jail, they aren't people nor are they citizens. Ergo, they should not be allowed a vote.

One person, one vote. A Corp only give the rich more votes.

Are there no German language instances?

I'm not wishing you gone, I'm wishing you could find what you want.

People already want to live there. More than will fit or can afford.

That's why rent is so high per square ft. SF-hate is... I dunno. It's trendy, but so very often uninformed.

The person posting that article is a non-stop agitator. Check it out.

I'm not following you around.

You're a ubiquitous troll in many of the communities I like. I now question if lemmy is actually for discourse because you're always sitting on it.

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OP is an angry tankie who, to their credit, surfaces topics. Any of us can, few of us do.

Until and unless a more diverse set of people surface news/topics, we'll have the status quo.

It's only hypocritical if you approve of it in Canada.

If we all stay silent on topics because our individual countries have deeply problematic pasts, then we all stay silent.

We can be vocal about it at home and abroad.