The walls of Apple’s garden are tumbling down to – 314 points –
The walls of Apple’s garden are tumbling down

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Yes. Apple has the best privacy policy in the industry.

Yeah, they won't let anyone else profit off of their user's information. They'll do it, but nobody else can.

Say what you will about Apple, they are masters of spinning their shortcomings as groundbreaking achievements. When they refused to unlock the iPhone of the san bernardino terrorist attack, it was framed as an act of preserving user privacy, but brushed over how willing they were to hand over the iCloud backups if the police would have brought the iPhone to a known WiFi network for the backup to be uploaded.

They don’t profit off of user information. It’s against their privacy policy. Ask for your GDPR compliant file from Apple. It’ll contain your name, billing address, and phone number (if you have an iPhone). Apple and third-party developers can display a prompt to request data collection for app improvement. It is completely voluntary.

do you really trust them?

I don’t need to. It’s visible in their software. It runs on a UNIX kernel, so the application and operating system layers are independent. They restrict all APIs, both first and third-party, until a request for access has been approved by the user. The encryption they use for iCloud, iMessage, and FaceTime transmission is end-to-end, and local device encryption is hardware encoded, requiring local passcode entry to decrypt.

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