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Joined 1 years ago

EDIT: I read the OP and now realize what you mean. I’ll keep this here anyway.

I agree that Linux Mint is closer to what the vocal Linux desktop community would like to see, but Ubuntu is anything but abandoned. Where I work, both my coworkers (excluding myself) and customers are either using RHEL or Ubuntu. That’s it. Sure, everyone on Lemmy and Reddit swears against Ubuntu and has no need for plain-RHEL, but a lot more of the non-vocal Linux community is using Ubuntu. I prefer Pop!_OS, but that’s besides the point.

Source: Ubuntu is anywhere between 4th and 6th place on these charts:

I love this graphic because it’s a reminder to self-proclaimed “gamers” that mobile gaming has been doing laps around “real” gaming for over half a decade now, with no indication of the trend changing. Yes, mobile games are typically lower quality and more predatory, but it’s undeniable that the average person who plays video games now is just a regular person with a phone.

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And it has come a long way too. In fact, I just donated since it’s struck me how solid of an experience it’s been.


CEOs, I can assure you that the people who aren’t doing work from home aren’t doing any more work in person.

And what really sucks is this just the beginning. Soon enough, they’ll all demand everybody work in-person 5 days a week for the same supposed reasons.

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For end users, it seems like everybody is mostly content with all the options available except Snap.

College Board will sell your information to anyone, including your dog. That's their (lovely) business model.

Good thing there’s an arrow pointing to the device, otherwise, I’d have no idea what he’s talking about!


I would hate snaps a lot less if Ubuntu just stopped trying to force me to use them.

Notepad++ and WordPad serve different purposes. One is a plaintext editor and the other is a rich text editor.

I wonder what “recycling” entails.

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I think the point that is being made is that it’s sad that always-online situations are so common nowadays.

Like others have mentioned, black & white Brother laser printers are the way to go. No bloated software, lasts forever, no fussy ink situations, etc.

Which is just another, less convenient way of turning a single click into two, no?

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Unfortunately, this is likely true. If people can keep using Twitter after all that has happened, people will certainly continue to use Unity and for more legitimate reasons.

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Every now and then, I consider using a Google product, and then I remember this.

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Which is funny because he originally encouraged people in countries without Roku to do so.

This is why I never bothered formally learning anything computer-related in school.

Every other admin I work with uses vi. Not my personal choice, but it seems like lots of people are content still using it.

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Because many more people are concerned with where their friends are and what’s cool.

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Oh, this reminds me of the company I'm working for right now.

"You want this promotion? Great! You're qualified and we'll have you do this project first to see if you like this work."

"Really? I have almost no experience with this programming language, but okay!"

Does project

"Actually, you're not qualified enough. Sorry!"

A week later one of the devs on that team apologized for the situation (not that it was their fault at all.) But still, what BS that all was.

So, you’re suggesting that shadow banning has caused the rise of the alt-right and their conspiracy theories, which implies that they wouldn’t exist without shadow bans.

Or they already exist and are in such a fragile state that even an explicit ban makes them upset (which it does.)

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The closest grocery store closest to my house is the only self-checkout store around me that still uses scales and they’re awful. There are certain items it doesn’t pick up on and it forces you to bag your groceries after checking out, making everything slower. I avoid that place at all costs, even though it’s the closest to me.

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… I am, though.

Work. If I’m not making programs on Windows and not keeping up with the changes in Windows, then I’d be very distant from the customers I work with. I am absolutely not in a position to tell them to just switch.

I wouldn’t be surprised if most of the ones I use have a disabled scale, but only that one grocery store I mentioned actually uses it. It could be that they have poorly calibrated scales, but if that’s the case, then all of the ones they use are. Self-checkout everywhere else is a breeze.

I would think so too, but I also wouldn’t be surprised if there was a catch.

I'm pretty sure anybody who develops anything in the jailbreaking scene can tell you that Apple's source code is not open to the public.

Again, if you’re already that far down the rabbit hole, anything that tells you, “No, you’re wrong” is going to upset you. That includes a shadow ban, explicit ban, or somebody just telling you that you’re wrong.

If you think I’m wrong and you think shadow bans especially push people towards being alt-right and believing conspiracy theories, then I’d love to see a study that says so because that’s what would likely convince me.

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You’re right, but is it easy to convert a VM to a physical machine? I’ve never tried, so I’m genuinely asking.

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They know you use Arch, they're joking. The joke is that Arch users tell people they're using it without anybody asking, hence, the phrase, "I use Arch, btw."

Because they don’t care who owns what platform. They care that they’re different and only some of their friends are on one of them and not the other.

Both the ear piece padding and the cord are easily replaceable. I have replaced the cord… maybe once? The padding I've replaced a few times and is around $30 to do so.

If you’re interested in making a full jump to Linux at some point, then you’d probably be interested in dual-booting instead of using VM for Windows or Linux.

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Good. I’m sick of dealing with lousy Windows admins using it and breaking files as a result. There are plenty of good and free word processors.

I think a lot of people buy Macs because they think the only other choice is a computer running Windows.

My phone doesn't have a headphone jack, but I use wired headphones every day, so I use an adapter. I've had the same ones for about 10 years now, so I see no reason to replace them.

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I guess it depends on habits, then. I use them all the time. Not as much as folders, but enough that I would rather the 2 have the same behavior.

People will be damned if…

  1. They are forced to do something for an additional 10 seconds.
  2. Their opinion is wrong.