Robert F. Kennedy Jr. sues Meta, citing chatbot’s reply as evidence of shadowban to – 343 points –
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. sues Meta, citing chatbot’s reply as evidence of shadowban

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So, you’re suggesting that shadow banning has caused the rise of the alt-right and their conspiracy theories, which implies that they wouldn’t exist without shadow bans.

Or they already exist and are in such a fragile state that even an explicit ban makes them upset (which it does.)

I never said it was a singular cause just a contributor

Again, if you’re already that far down the rabbit hole, anything that tells you, “No, you’re wrong” is going to upset you. That includes a shadow ban, explicit ban, or somebody just telling you that you’re wrong.

If you think I’m wrong and you think shadow bans especially push people towards being alt-right and believing conspiracy theories, then I’d love to see a study that says so because that’s what would likely convince me.

Nah man it's completely different when society regulates itself through transparent rules vs opaque ones. It's more organized and self balancing.