How many of you actually use the headphone jack on your phone? to – 613 points –

On a recent post, there were a lot of comments, which said that they were missing the headphones on newer mobile devices.

How many actually use the headphone jack?

I ask, because I have one on my phone, since I really wanted one, but I rarely use it. Like Tops 1/Month.


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My phone doesn't have a headphone jack, but I use wired headphones every day, so I use an adapter. I've had the same ones for about 10 years now, so I see no reason to replace them.

How do you get headphones to last 10 years? I usually have to replace mine every year or so, because of the padding wilting, or normal wears, or just something happening.

Both the ear piece padding and the cord are easily replaceable. I have replaced the cord… maybe once? The padding I've replaced a few times and is around $30 to do so.