kia ora koutou! welcome everyone 🐝

Wigglet@beehaw.orgmod to Betterment and – 9 points –

So happy so many of you are also interested in finding, sharing, and discussing new ways to better our communities! I hope everyone finds inspiration here and we all get to brighten up our little corners of the world.

I would love to hear from people about what is working in your community.

What does your community have or do that you think is going well? (Maybe its a neat festival. Maybe it's a community centre like a workshop or garden. Share the ideas!)

What small things have you done that you would like to do more of? (Cleaned up rubbish on the beach? Planted some trees? Helped with a fundraiser or event? Good on you, we're all proud! Tell us so we can all get motivated to go out and do the same)

What are you wanting for your community? (Maybe its helping with food insecurity, maybe its cleaning up parks or planting trees, maybe it's better public transport)

No task is too big or too small to share, this is a place of positivity and celebration ✨️

Here's an article with links to resources on starting your own library of things. It's US centric but still has good ideas I've been stealing for getting ours organised


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I really love the idea of additional assistance for supporting local food systems. That's a really great idea! Having to fundraisers connect like that sounds like such a beautiful community moment 🥲

It's through a USDA grant, so I think it's something that each U.S. state could do if this kind of program isn't available (yet) where folks are. Maybe I'll try to scrape up some details around it, it seems like a good topic for this /c/

Definitely make a post! I want to make a mega doc with resources we can put in the group bio.

I'm a huge fan of this idea. I'll start working on some links and documents to make it as thorough as I can for the group.

I'd also be really interested! I actually work with plants in my area and would love to find a way to help get more veggies in folks homes

Heard! I replied to Wigglet above but want to assure you I'll work on it, but want to take a little time to get links and documents lined up, try to be extra useful