Besides lemmy, what's another good reddit alternative? to – 101 points –

Hi! Recently exiled reddit user, here. I'm curious what other alternatives to reddit there are, besides Lemmy, and Raddle, of course. Also, imho, Phuks is a good alternative, there's no hate-speech (that I'm aware of) and people are pretty respectful. Anyways, let's hear your suggestions! Thank you!


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let me list two not federated options.

but both are self hosted.

  • lobsters. one active instance is but i know of https://սարեան.ցանցառներ.հայ

  • if you use gemini protocol, you probably know about it: bubble is a reddit like software. i know about two deployments, the original, by the author is at gemini://

users also can have their blog feeds on it.

I've tried to use Gemini browsers, but they are too complicated for my human brain. I can't remember which browser it was, but it was used mostly for Gemini space.