Exclusive: Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating the threat from Trump

fukhueson@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 1327 points –
Exclusive: Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating the threat from Trump

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I think it would be helpful if people tranformed their concerns from meaningless doomposting to active political effort.

Cause the first is almost as bad as not worrying at all.

The problem is there's a lot to doom post about.

I get it that Biden has some possibly underreported accomplishments, but like Trump tried to overthrow the government and is still walking around like nothing happened.

Yes but circlejerking around it accomplishes nothing. Reach out to new audience, convert, talk, argue, influence.

Eh, I got a day job and a full life. I can barely fit in the doom scrolling I already do today.

I appreciate the sentiment, but it's been my experience in >40 years of living that the amount of influence I'll be able to have over the onslaught of doom is miniscule.

I kinda lost all hope for the future of this country when Trump was elected the first time. After how disastrous his first term was, if this country full of morons actually puts the clown back in that same position I'll completely and fully give up on it.

It's the idiots' country, I just have to live in it.

I think the current climate of digging up anything someone has ever done or said that is against the current accepted morality and punishing them for it severely makes a lot of people not want to stick out their neck. This probably isn’t an accident.