Drew Barrymore Reveals She Accidentally Left Her "Sex List" at Danny DeVito's House

ZeroCool@vger.social to Not The Onion@lemmy.world – 252 points –
Drew Barrymore Reveals She Accidentally Left Her "Sex List" at Danny DeVito's House

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The B.A.R.R.Y.M.O.R.E. System

The D.R.E.W. system

be D.irected by D.anny D.eVito

wR.ite your sex list on the back of your script

E.ntice your host

W.in the dick out of his pants.

That one sucks, let me try another

D.emand you can stay at his place

R.evise your previous lovers on a list

E.licit sexual actions from your host

W.rite his name on your list