Congress voted against funding a cure for cancer just to block a win for Biden to politics – 900 points –
Congress voted against funding a cure for cancer just to block a win for Biden

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We should keep a record of the nay votes so we can remind them should any of them be diagnosed with cancer.

They get free government healthcare, so they don't care.

Doesn't matter how good your healthcare is if your cancer (or other disease) can't be treated.

Doesn't matter if your healthcare can be treated, if you cannot afford the cure.

That's a problem for us plebs not them.

I would argue that it will become a problem for them too - e.g. pretty much every man will eventually get prostrate cancer, if he lives long enough rather than die of something else sooner, and on the converse side every woman will be affected by the current gender disparity in health research that has gone into "people" vs. "women" (particularly, we now know that the blood-brain barrier of the mother becomes much more permeable during pregnancy, and substances that should never end up in the brain... do, so even if a woman gives up her child for adoption immediately after birth, the act of pregnancy can have enormous effects upon the body).

But to be a literal millionaire now and die of cancer later, vs. to do the right thing and pass a bill but then not get re-elected by their base that hates sharing (don't you remember when Jesus said "never show love to anyone, especially not those people over there - b/c they hath cooties"?:-P), it seems that they have made their choice... and we all will pay the price, them far less than us but still they will too.

Those voting records could come in handy any old timeā€¦