Rep. Rashida Tlaib: Arrest Netanyahu for 'crimes against humanity' - to World – 283 points –
Rep. Rashida Tlaib: Arrest Netanyahu for 'crimes against humanity' -

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., says Israel is about to commit "crimes against humanity" and on Tuesday urged the International Criminal Court to arrest Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.


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Totally. Maybe something like have been doing for decades would be closer to reality.

The one who downvoted maybe should get robbed of their house and had some relative killed, to gain some perspective.

Take a chill pill. I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy what the Palestinians are going though.

These are times that don't invite much chill.. I'm sorry, I'm glad that you're so nice, but I would wish it on those perpretrating those atrocities.