Imagination rule to – 438 points –

Alt text: Using AI is the coolest new way to let people know you have no imagination of your own


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ah yes im so very sorry, i should have kept the feelings of people who gladly feed on stolen labor and exploitation of the global south for their slop generator to work, in mind uwu

fuck outta here lmaoo

people who gladly feed on stolen labor and exploitation of the global south for their slop generator to work

What is this even supposed to refer to

besides the fact that the models are trained on stolen, copyrighted work, the output is trash without millions of man hours painstakingly tuning it:

of the global south

I meant this part specifically.

I already know y'all think storing the .01% of data derived from the images is theft. What's the labor specifically being stolen from "the global south"??

Edit: my bad for skimming the whole comment lol, I see now