Does anyone use to – 18 points –

Browsing the web I came across this (meta) search engine. From the first glance, it seems promising and giving quite a good results to my searches. Definitely better than Google, Bing or DDG, which tend to be full of SEO/ads/AI bullshit these days. Does anyone use it?

It somehow implies it's open source and indeed there is github too, but I can't find any link from the itself to it. It's just... IDK, weird?


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Presearch make proxy call to google, they add the wall and their own tracking and their own ads. Stay away.

In fact, stay away any project that have web3 or crypto

Yeah, if it says Crypto on it, it's a scam. Full stop.

That's just not true, it's "usually" a scam. ProtonMail and Mullvad aren't scams just because they accept crypto for payments.

I would phrase it this way. If there is a noname token, especially if it "can generate profit" seemingly out of nowhere - it is a scam.

That crypto part must be new, it definitely wasn't there some time ago. Anyway, glad I'm not the only one smelling something fishy in this...

I‘ve tested Presearch like 2 years ago and even back then it already had these “PRE tokens” you could earn by using it and get more by gambling/betting on search terms.

I was PRE-blind then, which is not unexpected...