How Originalism Ate the Law: America is captive to a legal theory that dictates our laws on guns, abortion, and so much more. We need to act. to politics – 179 points –
America Is Captive to One Ridiculous Legal Theory That Dictates Our Lives. Here’s What We Can Do.

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The funny thing is that Jefferson and other 'Founding Fathers' thought that change was good and the dead shouldn't rule the living.

And apparently assumed that the constitution should be re-written every 17 years or so. That's the 'constitutional convention' ploy, which I'm not so sure it it's a good idea or not, at this time. smh. we're so fecked. wait, where's I put my optimism... it's around here somewhere.

MAGoo logic.

America needs a Constitutional Convention because the world has changed as we must change with it!


The Convention delegates shouldn't be chosen by a direct popular vote because the Founding Fathers wanted us to live as States!