Sad, but rule to – 298 points –

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It’s naive to think that voters have more influence on policies than donors/lobbyists. If democrats win every election then capitalists will just donate more to make sure their needs are met. All politicians are corrupted by huge sums of money.

While there's some legitimacy in money winning elections, you know what it comes down to? Fucking votes.

I feel like you didn’t read my comment at all. Because your point is completely irrelevant to what I said.

I addressed it. I'll try again. The ultimate deciding factor in elections is votes. Literally votes. Election night isn't spent tallying who raised the most money, it's literally counting who got the most votes.

Again not relevant at all to what I said. My comment wasn’t about election results but about policies. It doesn’t matter who wins an election because capitalists will always make sure to donate to the winner in order to decide their policies.

Ah I see you're trying to ignore the entire Overton window point. Which is what I was talking about from the start. Votes change the Overton window dude. It's really that simple. If you want the Overton window to change, you vote.

You're conflating a shit ton. Do capitalists care about abortion? No. Rich donors probably didn't really care either. Guess what changed it? Fucking votes. They picked that topic because it gets votes.

Votes determine policy and the Overton window because votes win elections.

And that is what I said: while there's some legitimate talking point in money helping to win elections, what ultimately wins elections is, wait for it, votes. Votes are the ultimate decider for elections and yes policy.