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Joined 10 months ago

I see more racism, sexism and other bigotry than before. Although there certainly was a lot of that back then as well. Also bots.

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Biden’s immigration policy is honestly a wet dream for most right extremists in Europe

Maybe start by not referring to them as ‘females’ or talking about ‘luring’ them to your room

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Either way it’s tasteless.

Is cut ties the new corpo lingo for saying fired??

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Becoming a communist has greatly improved my mental health because I’m no longer constantly disappointed by liberal politics. Now I put my motivation into helping my org grow which feels very fulfilling.

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What an adorable bottle of death

Do you realise how pathetic you sound? Women are told to shut their mouth and keep their opinions to themselves all the fucking time. It’s time for men like you to realise that sometimes yeah you should shut up and yeah your opinion is less important than the lived experience of women when it comes down to sexism and SA. Educate yourself please before you embarrass yourself even more.

Invisible women is a great book to start. Very easy to read and full of interesting statistics.

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I have friends in Gaza and I’m really fucking scared for their life’s. In fact, I have been scared for them a long time because Israel is bombing civilian buildings regularly. Yes it’s terrible what Hamas is doing to Israeli civilians, punishing Gazan civilians is not the answer. I hate the Israeli government for what they’re doing to my friends. A lot of the people out there protesting have friends and family in Gaza and are very afraid as well.

In polarising conflicts as these it is very important to look at the human side of things and to not condemn a whole group of people for what a small group is doing. I have much compassion for Israeli people who are afraid right now. But I also understand the need to speak out about an ethnic cleansing that is possibly about to happen by the Israeli government. Just look at the Amnesty International reports about the situation in Israel and occupied Palestinian territories. Humanitary crimes have been happening for years and years without any intervention, killing and hurting people on a much bigger scale than what hamas is doing right now. It is impossible to deny the hypocrisy by the west.

Any man who turns hostile to women because of a bear meme was hopeless to begin with. Feminism isn’t convincing sexist men to not be sexist, it’s educating and empowering women to stand up for themselves and stop accepting vile behaviour by vile men.

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Because most (if not all) members of congress love to beg for money from rich people and are really good at it. It’s the reason they became congress members in the first place. Public funded elections would never be as profitable for them.

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In my experience that’s not how it works. Insecure partners are often very open about how insecure they are

I’m sorry to disappoint you but the US is the driving force of the destabilisation of many countries in order to more easily exploit their resources.

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Maybe he should first stop killing lgbtq+ Palestinians

That would be such a turn off for me. Have way too many bad experiences with insecure partners

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You did so well, and I’m really proud of you. I don’t know how you can change your situation. There are people out there who are able to see and appreciate your achievements but I get that it’s really hard to find them. Tbh most people suck but you are awesome and deserving of love ❤️

The people who are responsible for these wars (capitalists who seek to create and exploit unstable countries for cheap labour and materials and profit off the weapons industry) are mostly vibing while millions die for their profits.

Is this ai?

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so what would you suggest people who do not want to be referred to as man or woman call themselves?

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This is why it’s important to have spaces (nearly) exclusively for trans people to share their experiences. Cis people are often unaware of their biases and share their experiences thinking it will help when it’s often harmful. Especially on blahaj lemmy there’s lots of cis people and when they come across trans content they feel inclined to chime in. It’s not necessarily a bad thing but when the cis replies are overwhelming the trans perspectives then imo it defeats the purpose of a trans/lgbtq community

The system gets what it breeds… When fundraising is so important you will automatically get congress members with no integrity who already had rich friends or who have great ass kiss abilities. This is just another symptom of the failing of ‘democracy’ that’s bound to happen in a society with class inequality. The dominating class will always use their means to turn the odds in favour of their own needs.

Your comment is kind of funny because it’s definitely problematic in several ways. So I’m not surprised at all that you have heard from others before that you’re part of the problem. When enough people tell you that, then maybe you should do some selfcrit instead of continuing to victimblame women for experiencing sexism 🤷

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Communism is inherently anti imperialistic. Maybe read a book before you spread red scare propaganda.

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It’s naive to think that voters have more influence on policies than donors/lobbyists. If democrats win every election then capitalists will just donate more to make sure their needs are met. All politicians are corrupted by huge sums of money.

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Being kind and understanding to bigoted men has done nothing for feminism. This meme is ignorant of the feminist struggle.

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Do you have adhd? It seems like you don’t really understand what is going on here.

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Idk about the origin of the meme but I can confirm that I know several Polish femboys through European gaming discord servers

I honestly appreciate the effort, and I hope that it does indeed help. It’s reassuring to know that you guys are trying to solve the problem.

That’s kinda shitty on your end

I’m talking about the present time.

Hexbear literally has the largest trans community on lemmy. Russia’s homophobia is also heavily criticised on hexbear. Promoting homophobia or transphobia will always be banned there.

Unfortunately talking about a problem is not enough when the industry throws money at legislators to not do anything or delay all progress.

Call it what it is: they’re corrupted.

Facts don’t care about your feelings bro

  • 91% of SA victims are women, 99% of perpetrators are men;
  • women in the EU work 70 hours per week on average vs men who work 63 hour per week (this includes paid and unpaid work, women do about 3 times as much unpaid work as men)
  • number of women in the US who face workplace discrimination is 3 times higher than men
  • women politicians in the US face 3.4 times as much threats and harassment than men
  • car seats are only tested on male dummies resulting in women being 73% more likely to get seriously injured by a car crash
  • most medicines are only tested on male animals and or humans, resulting in lower efficacy among women and causing medicines that would be beneficial to women to go undiscovered

Once again I recommend reading the book invisible women for more interesting statistics, and an analysis on gender specific data. It turns out that gender specific data is very hard to come by, making a lot of potential other gender gaps undiscovered. Women are much more likely than men to be victims of gender specific data gaps because women were not allowed to work for a long time and women still make up only a small fraction of executives making many women specific problems to stay undiscovered.

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Also even in the case of beings with shapeshifting powers, genitalia are irrelevant to gender identity.

That’s almost 20 years ago…

It’s easy to call a discussion silly if it doesn’t affect you personally.

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I agree, but to say that there are countries that are worse than the US in that aspect is just false. There is no other country in the world that causes as much damage to the lives of normal people than the US.

I thought we moved on from these gross objectification jokes.

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Also have you ever considered the fact that maybe you (or other people) don’t really care about gender labels because you were assigned as the gender you prefer? It seems a bit silly to criticise a group who currently faces a lot of discrimination based on their gender preference. Also are you aware that your argument is often used to discredit the experiences of and as a reason to discriminate against people who identify as non-binary?