U.S. to Announce New Tariffs on Chinese Electric Vehicle - Considering rates of 100%

Ghostalmedia@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 256 points –
U.S. to Announce New Tariffs on Chinese Electric Vehicles

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How do they compete if the US subsidizes US companies and China subsidizes Chinese companies?

Why would i care?

Waving your hand around and thinking money appears out of nowhere seems to be the limit of your analysis.

Are you imagining money just disappearing once its spent on subsidies? US has been spending hundreds of billions of dollars every year for decades on defense yet somehow we havent run out of money to spend. Learn how countries finance things.

Why would i care?

Yes, why bother gaining some understanding of the topic you're speaking about when you can instead remain ignorant and keep flapping your lips with poorly thought-out ideas?

Are you imagining money just disappearing once its spent on subsidies? US has been spending hundreds of billions of dollars every year for decades on defense yet somehow we havent run out of money to spend. Learn how countries finance things.

Are you imagining money just disappearing once its spent on subsidies?

When you spend your paycheck on bills does that money still remain in your account? The money doesn't disappear but the person or government who originally had it, no longer has it. Are you proposing the government just start printing money to give hundreds of billions in subsidies to the auto industry? That surely won't have any negative effects, right?

When you spend your paycheck on bills does that money still remain in your account?

And yet the next month i still have money to spend on bills, no money printer required.

Great, that means you have unlimited funds to spend on new things, right? In fact, why are you even complaining about the cost of a new car? You can easily afford to buy a whole fleet since you'll just get paid again in a month.

we've somehow strawmanned our way to claiming China is spending infinite money on subsidies.