Always follow 3-2-1 backup rule to Programmer – 230 points –

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Bruh, OP posted 32 posts in 2 hours.

::: spoiler screenshots incase it gets deleted


Make sure to put the word spoiler on the first line after the colons for it to get rendered correctly.

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::: spoiler screenshots incase it gets deleted
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Looks like this

::: spoiler screenshots incase it gets deleted Your images here :::

Yeah, like many other people, I browse /all. Dudes post flooded my feed, basically.

Also, that account should be tagged as a bot. While some people may post this stuff manually, it seems kinda stupid to do so. I have no issues with bots unless they aren't tagged as such. (I tickles my OCD a little, I suppose.)

Meh, I just blocked OP and all is well.