Always follow 3-2-1 backup rule to Programmer – 230 points –

Throttle your posts, for fucks sake.

Bruh, OP posted 32 posts in 2 hours.

::: spoiler screenshots incase it gets deleted


Make sure to put the word spoiler on the first line after the colons for it to get rendered correctly.

Like this

::: spoiler screenshots incase it gets deleted
Your images here

Looks like this

::: spoiler screenshots incase it gets deleted Your images here :::

Yeah, like many other people, I browse /all. Dudes post flooded my feed, basically.

Also, that account should be tagged as a bot. While some people may post this stuff manually, it seems kinda stupid to do so. I have no issues with bots unless they aren't tagged as such. (I tickles my OCD a little, I suppose.)

Meh, I just blocked OP and all is well.

Nobody should trust gcp. They decommission products left and right and half of their products are in perma beta

And their documentation is non existent

seriously, make aws look like documentation kings

AWS has so much documentation, and yet it never has what I'm looking for ☠️

GCP docs tell me exactly what I need to know.

AWS docs tell me everything while saying nothing.

✅ Useless comment
✅ Common typo
✅ Looks like VSCode

That code snippet looks mighty sketch